Pause, reflect, and honour the the Solstice gateway for rest and renewal into the New year.
Service Description
The winter solstice marks the turning point of the year, a time when darkness gives way to the light’s slow return. It’s the perfect moment to pause, reflect, and honor the natural cycle of rest and renewal. This retreat invites you to align with the solstice’s introspective energy, letting the stillness inspire clarity and intention for the year ahead. Through restorative yoga, meditative soundscapes, and reflective practices, we’ll create a sacred space to release the past, recharge your spirit, and prepare to step into the new year with mindful intention. Embrace the solstice as a gift of deep rest and a reset. Tuning into nature’s wheel is important because it helps us reconnect with the natural rhythms of the earth, which are often overlooked in modern life. Each season carries its own energy—growth in spring, vitality in summer, release in autumn, and rest in winter. By aligning our practices, such as yoga and meditation, with these cycles, we can experience a deeper sense of harmony, balance, and grounding. It encourages us to slow down, be more mindful, and flow with nature’s changes, fostering a more holistic approach to well-being and self-awareness. SCHEDULE : MEDITATION R'TU - OPEN( SANSKRIT FOR RITUAL ) RESTORATIVE - DYNAMIC YOGA AWAKENING FROM REST INTO ACTION SOUND MEDITATION DIVINATION - POWER MESSAGES FOR THAT MOMENT (TAROT) CLOSING CIRCLE WITH NOURISHING CHAI AND DAHL SUPPER ALL ARE WELCOME ( All food and drink served will is Vegan, Gluten free and nut free ) Please contact Kamelliasara@doom.yoga 24 hours before practice if you are pregnant or have any medical conditions. Disclaimer : You acknowledge and agree that it is entirely your own choice whether or not to perform the Exercises under the instruction of yoga teachers .
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
6 Sylvester Path, London, UK